The Truth Explained

This website has one inform.

I want to dedicate my time to finding the answers to the tougher questions. I want to enlighten people to the all the truths that today's world wants to hide.
We have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and knowledge has always been, and always will be, the ultimate power.

This site is dedicated to helping you find that power.

"in the information age, ignorance is a choice"


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Over-paid Egos and Over-valued People

It seems that society has a real strong understanding of the type of role models that they want to follow. The only problem is that these role models are not worthy of the admiration they are receiving. People think that financial success, and fame in the public eye, means they can do what they want, and it is not without good reason. From pro athletes to millionaire heirs and heiresses, the culture we live in puts people on the highest pedestal possible with no real substantial basis, and these same people get away with breaking the rules time and time again.

The list of professional athletes which get into trouble is astounding, and then within months, they are placed right back onto the pedestals from which they fell. I have been so excited lately for the NFL, which has acquired a no-nonsense Commissioner who has "been laying the smack down" on these rule breakers. Michael Vick is the first example that comes to the minds of everyone who pays attention tot he sports world and rule breaking. He was the ring leader of a dog-fighting network, and he faced jail time because of it.

And the trend of justice almost started to snowball. A while back a rare case occurred where an athlete accidentally shot himself in the leg in a night club, and it ended in a sentence of three years in prison, for a charge of carrying a non-registered, concealed weapon on his person. This is a no-no in the state of New York, and the lack of responsibility on the athlete's part cost him three years of his life, millions of dollars in salary, and since he was in the prime of his potential, possibly his career in the NFL.

But what about the others who have not been convicted? Are they just innocent victims of the media's distortion of the facts? Big Ben's rape accusation of a young girl is not the first of the decade. He was deemed innocent, but the city of Pittsburgh got a sour taste in their mouth, and they all but banished him form the city until a public apology and a "sincere" repentance got him a second chance. But what about the other rape accusation of the last ten years in which the athlete was not found guilty?

Kobe Bryant went through the same thing years ago, and yet the public has all but forgotten about it. I guess if the legal system says you are innocent of one crime, the other moral crimes you commit don't count against your character. This man cheated on his wife. That's called adultery in my America.And while this may not be a crime worthy of punishment according to man's laws, it is one of the sacred TEN COMMANDMENTS. Apparently, as long as there is no jail time associated with the crime, we don't care to acknowledge it as wrong.

Tiger Woods, possibly the greatest golfing phenom to this point in history, also committed adultery. Although, he has a reason...he is a sex addict. I can't tell you if Tiger has a chemical imbalance or not, but I can tell you that you show me a man who doesn't love sex, and I will show you a woman in a man's clothes. I understand that people have diseases, addictions, imbalances, and problems with will power. But, our society simply accepted his reasons and it's back to the way it was because, "we can't imagine golf without the greatest golfer of all time". The sport took a major ratings hit, and the public tuned out. All I'm saying is that could it not be possible that the Networks and Tiger decided to send him off for a vacation at a sex addiction clinic, come up with an excuse worthy of pity (like a disease), and then get back to business? We as a society just swallow whatever pill the media feeds us, and then call it truth. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

The question is, "do you think the people in high places are capable of doing whatever it takes for greed?"

Personally, I think that question has been answered so many times, it is harder for us to ignore the truth than it would be to accept the truth. Greed, fame, fortune, and success run the world, and the common man has no real understanding of the lengths these guys will go to to make the all mighty dollar.

I'm all for second chances, but once you get that chance, you better darn well use it wisely. Vick is still hanging out with thugs, Woods is still hiding something serious, and Bryant is winning so it doesn't matter to anyone right now. Paris Hilton goes to jail but a nervous breakdown gets her a pardon? What the heck is going on when no one stands up and calls this what it is...BULL. If i went to prison, would I get the same treatment? I doubt it.

O.J.Simpson got away with murdering two people. They had tapes from 911 calls where he was literally beating down the door to get to Nicole time and time agian, and n one opened their eyes to the fact that this man has problems. A decade later, he finally gets his due and gets sentenced to prison for armed robbery. God is always just.

Wake up people, and at least take it upon yourself to realize that your knowledge of the greed out there is limited, and that anything is possible in the world we live in today. As long as we put these people on the highest of pedestals, and worship them as great people, they will continue to abuse and distort, hide and lie, and they will continue to do what they can get away with. When will we start to take responsibility for who we admire, and start to change the country we live in for our sakes?

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