The Truth Explained

This website has one inform.

I want to dedicate my time to finding the answers to the tougher questions. I want to enlighten people to the all the truths that today's world wants to hide.
We have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and knowledge has always been, and always will be, the ultimate power.

This site is dedicated to helping you find that power.

"in the information age, ignorance is a choice"


About me

A lot of people say that in order for what is said to "matter", it needs to come from a credible source. I am of the opinion that if someone is willing to listen to what you have to say, it's worth saying.
I have written 2 books that I am currently in the process of getting published. I have owned two small businesses, and have worked in a variety of fields in my adult life including sales, Mechanical Engineering, Home Automation, and a few others. I have a terrific marriage to a wonderful woman, and have a great family based on very basic and important fundamentals.
I am currently an Actor in progress, a writer, and self-employed as an Entrepreneur. I believe that we should ask questions on a regular basis, and educate ourselves everyday.