The Truth Explained

This website has one inform.

I want to dedicate my time to finding the answers to the tougher questions. I want to enlighten people to the all the truths that today's world wants to hide.
We have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and knowledge has always been, and always will be, the ultimate power.

This site is dedicated to helping you find that power.

"in the information age, ignorance is a choice"


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Our Country Needs Help

This country is one of the most amazing places in the world. It was founded 234 years ago (an important statistic considering that the average age of any civilization throughout history has been 200 years) by amazing men who wanted a better place for their children to grow up. Men who were self-aware, well-thought, spiritually rooted, and very educated. Men who had not only their minds, but their hearts, totally in tune with the pulse of the majority. These men knew what didn't work in government from experience, not from assumption, and they had seen the repercussions of taking the power away from the people, and allowing the government to make decisions for the people, without consideration for the very citizens they were put in to support.

Our country has slipped away from the very ideals that these men had in mind when they wrote the Constitution, one carefully-considered letter at a time. Our current government constantly neglects the very fundamentals established in the Declaration of Independence. They consistently show us that they have a new agenda, which is no longer based on the principals that America was founded on. These new agendas in the political world have nothing to do with the American citizen, and everything to do with self-gain for the political officials themselves.

We need to take our country back before it's too late. We have become a lazy and complacent society, quick to accept whatever is fed to us, and not to question those who are in power. We should all take time to read The Declaration remember that the very men who founded this great country had decided that what their current government was doing was NOT acceptable. Men who decided that it was time to do something about it, and that it is our God-given right to have a say-so in the decisions that directly affect our lives, our families, our children's future, and our well-being. When will we realize that it is our right, and our responsibility, to question this runaway democracy, BEFORE it becomes a dictatorship? When will we realize that if we don't get active, our country will slip completely away from us, and then it will be too late?

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