The Truth Explained

This website has one inform.

I want to dedicate my time to finding the answers to the tougher questions. I want to enlighten people to the all the truths that today's world wants to hide.
We have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and knowledge has always been, and always will be, the ultimate power.

This site is dedicated to helping you find that power.

"in the information age, ignorance is a choice"


Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Great Thing About The Truth

If a child is born blind, and has never seen the world, how would you describe colors to him/her? Having never seen the color blue, how would you describe the sky? It would be very difficult for the child to understand. Even thought the child doesn't understand the idea of color, it doesn't mean that color doesn't exist.

If you told the child that the sun, which is vital to their survival, rose in the East and set int he West, it would be up to that child to decide if they believed your statement or not. If the child cares to know the truth, they could ask other family members, whom they trust, and find out if it actually does rise and set as they have been told. Or, the child could decide that since they would never see the sun, it doesn't matter whether it rises in the East and sets in the West at all. Does this mean that the sun's consistent movement from East to West is not true? just means that the child has a choice of whether or not to believe what is told to them.

We are a lot like this child. We have a choice to ask around, investigate, and put forth effort to know if what we are told is true. Some people choose to live in what they believe because they don't want to do the work of finding out the truth. Some people choose to live in their current beliefs because to know different would mean they would have to change their lives, and being the selfish creatures that we are, we want to keep doing it our way. Whether we choose to research the truth, or not....whether we choose to believe what we are told, or not...does not change the fact that the truth is the truth. That's the great thing about the is, no matter who chooses to believe it or not.

Don't we owe it to ourselves to at least try to gain the knowledge, and the power that comes from that knowledge, in order to gain the truth. Is it better to live in our own false reality, and deal with the consequences of that reality, or better to gain the freedom of the truth and live according to it, so that the consequence becomes a reward?

Isn't it at least worth the effort of trying to find out to avoid the consequence? Who knows, you may be surprised at what the actual truth is once you decide to start looking into it for yourself.

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