The Truth Explained

This website has one inform.

I want to dedicate my time to finding the answers to the tougher questions. I want to enlighten people to the all the truths that today's world wants to hide.
We have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and knowledge has always been, and always will be, the ultimate power.

This site is dedicated to helping you find that power.

"in the information age, ignorance is a choice"


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Are You Sure, or Are You Certain

Do you believe that if you died today, that you would go to Heaven? What about Hell?.......Why do you believe that?

It seems that a lot of people who answer, “go to heaven”, have no real answer as to why they think so. Ask yourself this question then, “How did you hear about Heaven or Hell?” When was the first time you heard of it, and have you investigated that source to see what else it can tell you about these places. If you truly believe that you will make it in the wonderful kingdom of God, the most magnificent place in creation, why do you believe so? Isn’t it worth investigating?

                I often have conversations with people who don’t have a particular belief in God. They say, “I believe in God, but I don’t follow a religion per say”, and that’s pretty much where they leave it. They try to live more “right” than the next, always judging themselves against the world’s standards, and thinking they have enough of it figured out. They ask me how anyone can believe in something that cannot be seen, and I tell them, “I can see Him perfectly”. They ask me how I know, and I tell them, “Because He showed me”. If you think you want more out of life, then I say, “Find God”. 

Don’t take my word for it. There is no way that I can lead you to believe in God, but I will tell you to try this…read up on all the world religions, the major ones anyway, in alphabetical order sorted by name. See which one strikes a nerve with you. Maybe you can relate to most of them, because they have a hope of the afterlife. But why do humans hope for the afterlife so dearly, I mean, if you truly just die and are gone…if your soul just evaporates into thin air, then why does that particular idea seem so wrong? You may be able to relate to many of the world’s religions, but which one sounds like truth? An absolute truth that sounds like nothing else you’ve ever heard? Not something that makes you want to “live right”, but something that you can say, “I am absolutely certain…without doubt, that there is”. What religions, the said pathways to God, make you feel this way inside?

                You see, there are many false Gods of many believers of different cultures, but there is only one true God. I mean, there has to be one that made all things...right? One who rules and created all others. Ask yourself this question…Which God is a living God, and which one’s are dead…in other words, who beat death and lives today...Who has the keys to the afterlife? I think this is a reasonably important topic in the life of a person seeking the afterlife and eternity. And, because life is so short in comparison to eternity, it should be of uttermost importance that we find this truth sooner than later. We never know when we are going to pass along. Do you believe if you died today you would just be gone, or to rephrase the question, does that idea sound right to you? What do you truly believe and why?

I can tell you first hand that I have heard the Truth…an absolute that cannot be described by me, only shown by Him. I can tell you that I have experienced, physically, mentally, and emotionally, the Creator, and He has changed me. I have been reborn in a very real and physical way, only because I sought the answers and God was waiting on me, waiting to show me the truth. I can hear his voice, and see Him in my life, and He has shown me miracles and wonders that I never thought possible. There is no doubt in me, because I have experienced Him. He has made life have real value, and I no longer have to carry the burden of my failures alone. He carries them with me, and He accepts me anyway. His is a true love, which we cannot understand, and that is the reason He sent us grace, in the form of Jesus Christ, the Savior.

             I know Jesus, I know His voice, and for anyone to tell me that He does not exists, is both hard-hearted and foolish. It would be wiser for them to look into my eyes when I speak of Him, and to hear the truth in my voice. They have failed to see the importance of the relationship I have entered into. For the truth I know is verifiable by anyone who truly seeks God first. It is not my duty to reveal truth, but to witness my life to them to promote their search. 

             May the light in my eye shine brightly. May I have many an opportunity to share, with passion, what I have experienced with God. May my efforts be directed toward the kingdom of God always and forever. I sincerely pray that everyone would search their hearts, and then push forward without fear towards the answer, for this is knowledge, and it will truly set you free. 

             He is waiting on you to open the door, and He will do the rest...

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